Joel Sioson

My NBI Clearance Renewal Experience

After enjoying the improved NBI clearance payment procedure (read here), I noticed a common pattern in the releasing of NBI certificates.

While waiting for my name to be called after I made a payment at the cashier, I noticed that most applicants were leaving without their NBI certificates. Glancing at the computer monitors of NBI personnel, I saw the word "HIT" for every applicant that they process.

Before the launch of NBI's online application, when I applied for a clearance about two years ago, I got a "HIT" too. Meaning, I have a namesake with a record, probably, a criminal offense so I had to wait for a week before I got my clearance printed.

But this time around, I was hoping that it has already been settled so I can get my clearance right away. After my photo and finger print were taken, lo and behold, the monitor flashed --

NBI Clearance Teacher Application Requirement

I got a "HIT" again! Just like everyone else before me, I was only given a receipt stamped with a date a week later. I waited for my companion and the same thing happened. We were heartbroken. I was expecting too much but I didn't get my clearance printed on the same day.

Steps NBI Clearance Application Teacher Requirement

So it lead me to think-- is there anyone who applied for a clearance at a satellite office and got their NBI clearance printed right away? Or is it purely hype that NBI clearances can be secured within minutes?


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January 23, 2019 at 12:21 AM delete

Thanks U...
i got my NBI clearance right away...
though i've waited for 25 minutes.

Thank You po!
