Joel Sioson

DepEd Teacher Application Process

teacher application form

As the Filipino nation prepares for the full implementation of the Senior High School under the K-12 curriculum, the Department of Education, with its biggest slice in the national budget, would be creating thousands of teaching items available for those seeking to be employed in the public school sector.

Here's a guide in applying as a public school teacher in the Philippines:

Step 1. Prepare all necessary documents. See checklist here.

Step 2. Visit and register to get a Unique Applicant Number (UAN).

With DepEd Order no. 7, series of 2015, teacher applicants should register at the department's online portal to encode their Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and select the division they want to be ranked. The UAN is used for faster processing of application. For assistance, see guide here.

Step 3. Proceed to your nearest (preferred) public school and submit your application portfolio.

There's an existing law that local applicants are prioritized in the selection process so it's best to go to your nearest public school first in order to increase your chances of being hired.

Step 4. Wait for the interview schedule.

Some DepEd district offices are prompt in processing teacher application while others take a while so waiting time varies. Be sure to get the contact information of the school's HR / liaison officer just in case you need to follow up your application.

Step 5. Write a good teaching demonstration plan. 

Conduct an impressive teaching demo by knowing your subject matter really well, preparing appropriate visual aids and delivering your presentation in a confident and clear manner. See more tips here.

Step 6. Take the English Proficiency Exam.

Teacher-applicants of the division office will be required to undergo this test simultaneously. This is to measure the applicant's reading comprehension skills, vocabulary, grammar and language proficiency.

Step 7. Wait for the posting of the Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA).

With this step,patience is a real virtue since it may take the division office a long while to compute, sort out and release the names of the applicants who meet the cut-off score (70%). Check the ranking system here.

Step 8. Wait for your assignment / deployment. 

You also need a lot of patience on this final leg of application. I've known people who weren't able to endure the agony of waiting, they succumb to applying for a job somewhere else.

But once you receive your assignment and appointment documents, you're on your way towards a fulfilling career of a public school teacher. Congratulations!


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